Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my blog! To explain a bit, I created this blog about 4 months AFTER my cancer/pregnancy journey began, so if you are just joining us, you will be able to relive each moment from the beginning through Flashbacks that are intermingled with our "real time" posts. I'm working to get them caught up so all posts will be in "real time" eventually, but remember I have a newborn and she likes to pull rank at times ;) I'm so very honored that you want to continue to follow along with our journey, and I would say there are two ways to do that. If you want to read from the beginning in chronological order, start at "Flashback to June 2" and then read the flashbacks in dated order. If you're an "I can't wait" kinda person and want to get to real time posts faster, this article gives the "cliff notes" version of our journey. But I gotta tell ya, if you choose to stick with the cliff notes route only, you will miss some pretty phenomenal chapters of awe inspiring beauty in this story my God has written for me, so I would suggest catching up on both ;)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tests and Prayers

Yesterday was my breast MRI and first ever PET scan! After the PET, I finally felt like a cancer patient....radioactive and all!! ;) Both tests went very well, and like most tests, the prep work was harder than the actual test!! For instance, with the PET, I was to eat high protein and avoid carbs and sugars for the 24 hours before the test. Ha! Yeah, these people CLEARLY do not know Katie Griffies ;) But anyway, we survived the prep, became radioactive, and now, we wait :) Tomorrow we have our oncology appointment to hear the results of the breast MRI and PET scan. Please continue those prayers for "Full response to chemo...NO evidence of disease found!" Also, Matt and I have a HUGE prayer request. We have MANY decisions that have to be made, in what seems like a very short amount of time, and currently, we do not feel that unwavering peace about any of them. I have let God write my story thus far, and I most definitely want Him to keep it up, so I need Him to start talking wink emoticon Please pray He will speak through my medical team with great clarity so that we will have an obvious path to take! Thank you all again for walking with us through this journey. We love you!! ‪#‎Godiswritingmystory‬


  1. Hi Katie, I am a friend of your Aunt Janet in Raleigh, NC. In your writing it is so obvious that you love the Lord. I know he will keep you strong through this seemingly impossible journey. Just wanted you to know that a bunch of us gals in Raleigh are praying every day for you. Keep fighting sweet girl, you're not alone. Sandy Gilmore

  2. How are you? I've been checking for updates. I hope all is well. I've been praying for you.

  3. I hope you had good results and are just too busy to update!
