Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my blog! To explain a bit, I created this blog about 4 months AFTER my cancer/pregnancy journey began, so if you are just joining us, you will be able to relive each moment from the beginning through Flashbacks that are intermingled with our "real time" posts. I'm working to get them caught up so all posts will be in "real time" eventually, but remember I have a newborn and she likes to pull rank at times ;) I'm so very honored that you want to continue to follow along with our journey, and I would say there are two ways to do that. If you want to read from the beginning in chronological order, start at "Flashback to June 2" and then read the flashbacks in dated order. If you're an "I can't wait" kinda person and want to get to real time posts faster, this article gives the "cliff notes" version of our journey. But I gotta tell ya, if you choose to stick with the cliff notes route only, you will miss some pretty phenomenal chapters of awe inspiring beauty in this story my God has written for me, so I would suggest catching up on both ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Post-Masectomy Path Report: "As good as it can be!"

Path report is back!!!! It's not "humanly" perfect, but I know it is perfect in God's sight so I will take it and be grateful :) Dr. Strickland said its "as good as it can be!" There were a FEW microscopic cancer cells around the sight of the biopsy, but they had changed from Invasive Ductal Carcinoma that is Inflammed to Ductal Carcinoma In Situ which means they were confined to the ducts only AND considered stage 0!!!!! Yep, you read that right, stage ZERO!!!!!!! That's just unheard of with IBC......God's such a show out and I love Him for that ;) Also, out of 11 lymph nodes that were taken and looked at, only 1 showed signs of treatment residue which indicates the chemo killed all the cancer cells that were there and none of them survived treatment and were able to spread!! Overall, all of this means, as of October 30th, the day of my surgery, my body is completely NED, NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE FOUND!!!! This path report indicates I had a full response to treatment and am CANCER FREE as far as any doctor or test can tell!!! We will continue with our treatment plan of radiation to follow healing of the double mastectomy as soon as possible because that step lessens the chances of reoccurrence as much as possible! Thank you all for the prayers and support that have carried our little family through this dark valley. I have never felt the love of God and His people so strongly before, and I hope and pray that each of you can experience this incredibly love at some point throughout your life. It is truly an awe inspiring beauty that can come from none other than our most gracious Lord!! I know I've said it before, but it still holds true through this storm...Let God write your story, it will be beautiful. #Godiswritingmystory


  1. I am so happy for you Katie. I never had any doubt in my heart that God is with you and you would come out of this totally healed. Not the least am I happy for Matt and your two beautiful girls that are going to need their mummy all the time. Best regards from Iceland and my two little ones that have looked at every photo from you all this time. We just hope to see many more happy photos in the future. <3

  2. AWESOME! You continue to inspire me by your faith and lovely disposition! I am so incredibly happy for you and your beautiful little family! Praise GOD!

  3. yea, yea, yea! I am doing the happy dance for you!! Happy, happy, happy! God is SO good!!!

  4. Katie I really didn't have a doubt. God is good ALL the time. Through all this you have been so positive. Continue to pray

  5. It is a wonderful story, Katie Mae! You inspire me also and God is glorified in your posts always! He loves you so....
